Wayne Highlands School District is now CLOSED today, Thursday, February 13, 2025.

Patriot Day Remembrance

By Melissa Short

Tuesday, September 11th is Patriot Day across the country. Wayne County residents are asked to remember the day by visiting one of the several memorials in the county or by silently remembering at 9am wherever you might be. This year is the 17th anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks.

On Sunday the final phase of the Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania was completed. The Tower of Voices is the last piece of the permanent memorial, which rests on more than 2,000 acres of land owned by the National Park Service. EarthCam has documented the construction from start to finish, including the Wall of Names, Visitor’s Center and the Tower of Voices.

From August 2010 to September 2018, EarthCam cameras captured more than 275,000 high-resolution images, which were professionally-edited into a commemorative time-lapse movie.

The Tower of Voices, the newest addition to the Memorial site is 93-feet tall and holds forty wind chimes, representing the forty passengers and crew members, and serves as a visual and audible reminder of the heroism of all those onboard United Flight 93.

Additionally, EarthCam continues to document the rebuilding at the World Trade Center site. In 2001, just days after the attacks, the first camera was installed to webcast the rescue and recovery for the world to see. Millions of photos of the rebuilding plus the original camera are part of the National September 11 Memorial Museum collection.


HHS Class of 2019

Jun 15, 2019

Congratulations and good luck to the Honesdale High School Class of 2019!


Jun 6, 2019

Teachers and students all rallied together at Honesdale High School on Friday,…

Understanding Tick Bites

Apr 25, 2019

How to prevent Ticket Bites and what to know.

A Message from the Wayne County Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program

Mar 6, 2019

As you may be aware, Lt. Governor Fetterman is going on a “Listening Tour”…

Safe 2 Say Something

Jan 14, 2019

In 2018, the General Assembly passed Act 44 mandating the establishment and use…